Social Workers Encouraged to Tweet Day-to-Day Work
Norfolk Council is encouraging social workers to spend a day, live tweeting about their work and day-to-day role to raise awareness of the work that they carry out. Social workers will be supporting Community Care’s stand up for social work campaign, by using the hashtag #StandUp4SW whilst sharing what they are doing throughout the day, thus raising awareness about what their roles entail.
Social Worker Emma Jervis said, “Lots of people don’t fully understand the job we do and what services are available so this will be a great way of dispelling myths.”
Meanwhile, Michael Rosen, Norfolk’s Executive Director for Children’s Services said, “Their work is often undervalued and their role is often misrepresented, so this is an excellent way of raising their profile and giving them the opportunity to give people in Norfolk an ‘as it happens’ picture of the vital work they do.”
Community Care recently produced the below video exploring why they chose to become a social worker.
ON Monday 1st February, you can see what social workers in Norfolk are doing, by simply following @NorfolkSW, searching for the #StandUp4SW hashtag or by following @CommunityCare on Twitter.
Visitors to the Seven Resourcing website, interested in Social Care roles can upload their CV here.
If you would like to discuss Social Worker roles, get in touch with the Seven Resourcing team today. We have an entire team dedicated to roles in Social Care, who you can contact via phone, on 0333 200 5424 or using our contact form.